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There is something incredibly hopeful about a fresh (squeezed) start!

I was born and raised in Kansas City and have been making my own greeting cards for family and friends ever since I could hold a crayon.  Paper crafts and creating personalized gifts continued to be just a hobby for me until a few years ago when life handed me a few lemons.  With encouragement from family and friends, I opened a simple Etsy shop and I used my creative knack as an outlet. I focused energy on new projects, started sharing them with others and found that it made sour times feel a little sweeter. 

I love making people smile and helping those in need. In addition to volunteering my time, raising funds and awareness - my shop has allowed me to support many charities by donating auction and raffle items for fundraising.  While there are many important causes that need support, a few that I am particularly passionate about include Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  A portion of each sale from my shop goes towards supporting their missions.  Learn more about them and how you can help: 


I truly thank you for visiting The Sweet Lemon Project.  Let me know if you have questions or a PROJECT (creative or philanthropic) you'd like help with!

~Deanna DiSalvo~


or contact me HERE

the zest is yet to come!